Most of the time, complaining about something makes it work out in the end.

Hiya-ho! Welcome to Giomagnetism. I'm the webmaster and resident overlord of this domain. Prone though I might be to tweaking things often, the sentiment remains.

Like a lot of other folks since the rise of the new web and gradual decay of social media, I wanted to invent my own "corner" to archive personal things and write about whatever I wanted. As a matter of course, this place is going to remain in development for quite some time, but have fun picking around in my digital brain!

Please click through the sitemap for a bird's eye view of the site; or wander around, take note of the signposting, and find things at your own pace.


→9.6.22 website founded!
→9.16.23 domain change (now Giomagnetism)
→10.24.23 new index page, sitemap created

Not sure what to put in this box yet! Stick around to find out!